Started with Shell as Senior Engine Cadet way back in 1997. I remember we brought FUSUS out of shipyard in Split Croatia. I was a 3rd Engr at that time. Stayed only for a short time since I will be transferring to MT OPALIA for I got my promotion to 2nd Engr. I have the best mentor on board MT Opalia and it was none other than CE Roger Smith and with the best Master Dave Freeman. Wow those were the days.
- - - - CE Ronnie Zoleta - - - -
Ik was in de jaren 1972 - 1973 aan boord van de Dione met o.a. joop bovenkerk het was een mooie tijd
Ik denk er nog vaak aan terug
Groetjes joep de bruijn uit Echt
I have a database with ships that went to Murmansk in WW2, Also the San Cipriano.
John Dodds was on board of the San Cipriano as a Chief Steward from the 1st December 1942 ( joined in Ellesmere)
He was on board till 22 March 1943 and left the ship in South Shields.
In this period the San Cipriano went to Murmansk in convoy JW51a and returned with convoy RA53.
As next of kin is mentioned his wife Bertha, living 43 Eglington st Sunderland
The ship he sailed before the San Cipriano is mentioned the Seminole.
Ali o Sailed as R/O March to September 1965
March 65 until September 1965 as Radio officer
My paternal grandfather, Willem van Beek (1903-1968) served as 5th “werktuigbouwkundige” in the machine room of Silvanus, when it collided on April 8th, 1926, near Point la Hache, south of New Orleans, LA, causing an explosion and fire. Twenty-four of the 43 crew members perished in the fire or drowned. My grandfather was among the survivors and was found on a beach near Bohemia, where the ship ran aground. The disaster was extensively covered in the Times-Picayune, e.g. In a front page story on 9 April, as well as in Dutch papers, such as the Nieuws van de Dag en Rotterdamsche Courant.
The LNGSHIPS MANHATTAN sounds like a fascinating vessel. It's impressive how technology and engineering continue to advance in the maritime industry. Would love to know more about its specifications and capabilities!best outlets in new York
Impressive achievement! The "MALAGA KNUTSEN" sounds like a key asset in the LNG fleet with its substantial capacity.
IMO number needs correcting from 1164859 to 164859 (the "official number" of previously named Empire Grenadier)
Hi Matt: compliments of the season, and I trust all's well with you.
Have just found your comment on regarding your uncle's service aboard ESTURIA and yes, I'd love a copy of your .pdf for some research I'm doing on the RAN.
If you're happy to proceed, can I ask you please to send it to
cheers / thanks / best wishes
My father-in-law Leslie Whitehead sailed on the Rapana around 1946
My father-in-law Leslie Whitehead sailed on the Rapana around 1946