My great uncle Jack Purvis (Chief Cook) was also killed on this fateful day in 1943.
Würde mich freuen wenn sich alte Kollegen melden die mit mir 1978 die Ausbildung angefangen haben.
Was een jaar vanaf September 1957 stuurmansleerling op sts "Munttoren", met kapitein Koedijk en eerste stuurman Kluen, één van de mooiste jaren van mijn leven.
Vele mooie reizen gemaakt vanaf Curacao naar Zuid Amerika en Noord Amerika.
Captain W.C. Loughlin, Chief Officer O.R. Townsend, 2nd officer J.E. Palmer, Radio Officer R. Denton, 3rd Engineer J. Cowdill, 5th Engineer G. Boyter, 5th Engineer B. Johnston, 4th Engineer P. Hitchen? 3rd Officer H.Heckett, 5th engineer J.W. Duncan, 2nd Engineer A. Martin, Chief engineer John Armstrong.
This was on a voyage departing from Falmouth on the 16th January to Gibraltar 12th April 1948. Charles Loughlin (sun Captain)
Hello Marty! Long time since you posted this, but I stumbled across it today. Hope you're both doing well.
Richard Bagnall
Hi Charles, did you get anywhere with your search for the grave of Arthur George Patrick please? I believe we must be related as he is also my Grandfather. Thank you.
I have many photos from the San Cirilo 1954 / 55 that my father and his crew mates took including the day of the boiler explosion .
40 years ago this year my family and I were rescued by a ship, which was called the Gadinia in the South China seas in August 1983. We were taken to Brunei and after that to England, London where we now live.
My family and I are so grateful to the kindness of the angels who rescued us that day and would like to meet them and personally thank them for saving us.
I am on a mission to track down the crew of the ship at the time of the rescue.
If you are or know of the crew that worked on the ship that time, please do get in touch.
I was able to locate a newspaper article detailing the rescue with the name of Michael Bailey and his wife Elaine. Michael if you do read this forum, I'd love to hear from you.
Thank you - S Nguyen
The Darina was my favourite ship. Those lovely twin funnels atop the beautiful superstructure, and the lovely staircase inside the accommodation. The engine room was superb and I used to love manoeuvring with the hydraulic manoeuvring controls. Fantastic memories.
I was on watch down below on 22/09/1980 when we ran aground on entry to Mombasa. Capt Mcdermott was on the bridge and threatened to throw the pilot over the ship's side!
I was on the Lyria in 1978 when we went into Brest for a propellor change.
Engineer cadet 1978