
Completed 1975 as "LIMNEA" for STUK. 1975-1976 laid-up Brunei Bay. 1982 laid-up in Loch Striven, sold while laid-up and renamed Orpheum. 1986 re-entered service. 1990 sold to Hellespont Steamshipping as Hellespont Orpheum. 2001 sold to Fener Deniz and renamed Kapadokya. 10-9-2003 arrived Alang for scrap.

Also known as
Hellespont Orpheum
IMO number
Call sign
Construction number
L 55
315.695 ton
Length overall
Year of construction
Year of renaming/broken up
Service for Shell
1975 to 1982
Flag state
Home port



Name Job Period Details
John Dixey galley boy 1975 to 1976 1st trip
Tony Rymer junior engineer 1975 to 1976
Paul Christophe... 5th engineer 1975 Shipyard to 1st sea trils
John Peter Hunter 5th engineer 1976
Tony Taylor 3rd engineer 1976 to 1977 Two trips on trot from lay up peroid
Derek Wallace D... chief officer 1976
David Bailey g/p 1976
Roger David Collins 4th engineer 1976 to 1977
Peter Mcdonald chief and ships cook 1976 Joined during reactivation from layup
Garry Marshall catering boy 1976
Brian Boyle 3rd engineer 1976 extra 3rd eng reactivating after layup
Chris Doe deck cadet 1976
Anonymous engineer cadet 1976
Roy Tillett catering boy/galley boy 1976
Robin Buncombe 2nd engineer 1977
Peter Stevens 2 3rd mate 1977
Bernard Kates junior radio officer 1977
Mike Brown chief steward 1977
Kevin Ramsden deck cadet 1977 to 1978 1st trip
Dougie Hamilton gp 1 1977
Steve Czerwionka 3rd engineer 1977
Martin Dupee catering boy 1977
Hugh Cromie 2nd mate 1977
Bernard Sayer extra 3rd engineer 1978
Ernie Murrin catering boy 1978
Martin Dupee 2nd cook 1978
Brian Saunders deck boy 1978 to 1979
Bill Glaister deck cadet 1978
John Briton 2nd cook and baker 1978
Keith Roberts senior radio officer 1979
Anton Williams deck cadet 1979
Greg Hoare 2nd engineer 1979 to 1980
Gary Pattinson gp boy 1979
Brian Graham chief engineer 1979
John Ross 2 chief officer 1979
Garry Marshall assistant steward 1979
Peter G. Furmston radio officer 1979 to 1980
Robert Cribben able seaman 1979 to 1989
Keith D. Rourke 2nd cook and baker 1979
Nick Wood catering rating 1979
Brian Leverett able seaman (grade 2) 1979
Rob Robeznieks steward 1980
Nigel Campbell 2nd mate 1980
Mike Hamer cadet 1980
Neil Beaumont 3rd mate 1980
Roy Robertson 2nd mate 1981
Michael O'keeffe steward 1981 to 1982
James Ashley Cammack able seaman (grade 2) 1981
Roger Chapman radio officer 1981
Ted Witwicki able seaman (grade 1) 1981
Bernard Kates radio officer 1981
Sean Pulford assistant cook 1981 to 1982
Don Shanahan 2nd cook 1981
Shaun Overton assistant steward 1981 to 1982
Chris Matthews chief engineer 1981
Brandon Dickson 2 engineer cadet 1982
Mike Jelfs ordinary seaman 1982
Paul Whittle 1 engineer cadet 1982
Ian Nicholson deck cadet 1982
Gary Flux gp 1 1982
Ian Falconer chief officer 1991
Steve Lewis 5th... 5th engineer 1994
George Thanasouras 3rd engineer 1998 to 2001 On Hellespont Orpheum


Date Visitor Anecdote
04/21/2020 - 22:51 Mark Perkin

First trip

06/24/2014 - 03:09 Brandon Dickson 1

Limnea. Aye, Mike Big Taff Harding. It was an unusual trip. I was second trip apprentice. Most of the layup work was done in around three weeks, then the French dockers went on strike. Much delays but lots of fun. If we weren't playing football or cricket, it was off to the sailing club. Also trip to riding centre and so on. That took care of most of the days which would typically end with us playing Risk which a few of us had become addicted to. Some games would last days.
Due to the dockers strike we remained there for around three months I think before word came through to flash up again and head for Loch Striven. Hardest thing I ever had to do, along with some of the other apprentices (and those who just seemed to suddenly volunteer to help) was dispose of the remaining beer. Although we had all done our best to drain the stocks over the duration, there was just so much of the stuff. We were instructed to use fire axes to hole both ends of each can before disposal. ie without opening the cases before anyone asks!! (Please note, this was most likely prior to current regulations regarding disposal of waste at sea) I have never seen anything as funny as this, people instructed to dispose of beer but desperately trying to drink as much as possible to prevent it from being "wasted".
All in all, a strange but fun trip.

12/30/2010 - 18:34 Mike Big Taff H...

really strange job this one , think i picked the limnea in brest . very short manned ship , we were to take it to loch striven near rothsay on the clyde.only onboard for a month tried to finish of the huge stock of cases of lager left on board .spent the whole time aboard stripping the limnea of anything of any value and not nailed down into a barge in the loch. think we had double money to do this trip ,would of been rude to turn them down ha ha .

10/22/2009 - 02:03 David Bailey

we jond this ship in boneyo ther was 2 davids on this crew lis me and david willky
after fliying from england to singapore and cutting our hair we go to th hotel
i dived on the bed and knocked my sholder out my mate had gingger hair we got up in the morning to find him bold on on side of his head also the seaman that was an
alcolic that tryd to open a ceg of beer with a 4 lb hammer and we thought some one droped a bome

03/16/2009 - 15:38 Tony Taylor

To join in Brunei Bay where she was layed up involved a two hour launch trip (seemed like two anyway). As we approached the ship the superintendent eng. pipes up and said "just one thing lads, be careful where you put your hands, we have had reorts of sea snakes climbing aboard" I wont bother you with the replies.

01/09/2009 - 12:41 Roy Tillett

Had Great Dry Dock Time Singapore Wages For Fun,Only 16 At The Time What An Experience...Joined Borneo-Paid Off-Rotterdam