Frequently asked questions

  1. What is Helderline?
  2. Do you buy or sell ships?
  3. Do you have any jobs?
  4. One of the pictures is mine, and it is used without my permission.
  5. I am registered as a visitor, but my details are not correct
  6. I am registered as a visitor, how can I have this removed?
  7. I have photos of a ship, how can I give you a copy?
  8. I am registered as a visitor, but I don't receive any e-mail
  9. My IP address is blocked, how can this be undone?
  10. What is the relation between Helderline and Shell?
  11. What is the relation between Helderline and the World Ship Society?
  12. How do I log in or log off?
  13. How do I change my (user)name, password and/or e-mail address?
  14. How do I edit/remove contributions I made?
  15. I posted a YouTube video. How can I share it with you?

1. What is Helderline?

Helderline is a private initiative from Kees Helder - hence Helder…. The …line part referres to a shipping line. Kees' hobby is to gather as many information and pictures of Shell tankers, and get in touch with former colleagues. Helderline is no company and does not provide any kind of service, other than beeing a platform for Shell tanker fanatics. Except that the ships on this site have all sailed for Shell, Helderline is not related to Shell.

2. Do you buy or sell ships?

No. Helderline is no company and does not trade at all.

3. Do you have any jobs?

No. Helderline is no company and will not hire anyone - ever.

4. One of the pictures is mine, and it is used without my permission!

Our aplologies, that should not be the case. Please get in touch with Kees Helder, he can either remove your picture or add your name to it, so it is crystal clear you are the owner/photographer.

5. I am registered as a visitor, but my details are not correct

Please request a password with your e-mail address. Once logged in you can change your details yourself. If that does not work, please get in touch with Kees Helder and he can edit your acount.

6. I am registered as a visitor, how can I have this removed?

Please request a password with your e-mail address. Once logged in you can cancel your account yourself. If that does not work, please get in touch with Kees Helder and he can remove your acount.

7. I have photos of a ship, how can I give you a copy?

Thanks, that would be great! Please contact Kees Helder, the owner and maintainer of this website.

8. I am registered as a visitor, but I don't receive any e-mail

The e-mailaddress we have might be incorrect. Please contact Kees Helder and he can correct your details.

9. My IP address is blocked, how can this be undone?

You are not allowed to the guestbook because, possibly, one of your previous messages has been deleted. The result is that you IP address is blacklisted. Or you were automatically marked as a 'spammer'. Please contact Kees Helder to have your ban removed.

10. What is the relation between Helderline and Shell?

There is no formal or business relation between us. Helderline is a private initiative with the primairy goal to share pictures and infomation about tankers used by the company Shell.

11. What is the relation between Helderline and the World Ship Society?

Kees Helder is a board member of the Rotterdam Branch of the World Ship Society.

13. How do I log in or log off?

You can use the log in or log off links situated in the right list at the bottom of each page.

14. How do I change my (user)name, password and/or e-mail address?

Please log in and go to the My Account button (top-right corner) and click Settings. From there, click Edit and you can change your username, e-mail address and password there.

15. How do I edit/remove contributions I made?

Please log in and go to the My Account button (top-right corner) and click My Data. Find the record in one of the tables, click Edit. Change the values and click Save. Or and hit the Delete button at the bottom of the form, then confirm your deletion and the content is removed instantly.

16. I posted a YouTube video. How can I share it with you?

That would be great! Please send the internet addres of the video (which is formatted like this: together with some identifiction of the vessel (e.g.: name, IMO, MMSI) to Kees Helder. He can add the video to the Helderline website.