
Completed 1979 as "EBURNA" for STUK. 1982 chartered by British Government in Falkland war. 2000 sold to Golden Mill Singapore and renamed Virgo. 2004 renamed Eburna. 19.1.2007 arrived Chittagong for scrap. Model made by Ian Milligan.

Also known as
IMO number
Call sign
Construction number
31.374 ton
Length overall
Year of construction
Year of renaming/broken up
Service for Shell
1979 to 2000
Flag state
Home port



Name Job Period Details
Rick Vince 1 gppo pumpman 1979 to 1981
Gerry Healy assistant steward 1979
Christopher Pen... gp 1 1979
Mike Gilmour 2 radio officer 1979
Garry Bersey gp 1 1979 to 1980
Damian Battman 5th engineer 1979
Sean Marsh grade 1 seaman 1979 to 1980
Garry Marshall able seaman 1979 to 1980 as/mm
Andy Johnson 2nd cook and baker 1979
Bryan Marshall Hips able seaman (grade 1) 1980 to 1981
Geoff Akehurst 2nd mate 1980
Whingr Second Officer 1980 Paid off Aukland 15/1/81
Anthony Fozzy H... able seaman (grade 1) 1980
Douglas M.C. Renton master 1980 to 1982 four trips
Brian Leverett gp g1 1981
John Ross 2 chief officer 1981
Roger Beecroft 3rd engineer 1981
Ian Draper gp stwd 1981
Robin Bailey able seaman (grade 1) 1981 to 1982
John Pickering chef kok 1981
Alan Jackson gp/steward 1981 to 1982
Arthur Davidson able seaman (grade 1) 1981
Gary Brazier able seaman (grade 1) 1981 to 1985
Mike Big Taff H... able seaman (grade 1) 1981 to 1985
Robert Yuille 3rd engineer 1981
Kevin Stephenson Third Mate 1981
Gary Flux gp 1 1982 to 1983
Bryan Marshall Hips gp 1 1982
Jack Beaumont master 1982 Falklands conflict
John Pickering chef kok 1982
David Heron chef kok 1982 to 1983
John Arnott 3rd officer/mate 1982
Bernard Kates radio officer 1982
Billy Ogilby gp 1 1982
Richard Lamble extra 2nd engineer 1982 to 1983
Paul Hagan able seaman 1982 to 1983
Des Brookes catering offficer 1982 to 1983
John Kitson steward 1982
Ian Bishop 3rd engineer 1983 to 1984
Ian Draper gp stwd 1983 to 1984
Peter Copeland chief officer 1983 to 1984
Dave Graham gp 1 1983 to 1984
Hugh Cromie 2nd mate 1983
Alan Jackson gp/steward 1983 to 1984
Craig Haines galley rat 1983 to 1984
Danny Liddington efficient deckhand 1983
Iain Wysner able seaman 1983 to 1984
Brian Graham chief engineer 1983 to 1984
Peter Rogers radio officer 1983 to 1984
Robert Yuille 3rd engineer 1983
Charles Humphreys deck cadet 1983 to 1984
Steve Kettley grade 1 seaman 1984 to 1985
Shaun Overton gp assistant steward 1984 to 1985
John P M Cusson captain (commanding officer) 1984 to 1985
Gary Timmins able seaman 1984
Gary Pattinson gp 1 1984
Anthony Fozzy H... able seaman (grade 1) 1984
Andy Rose able seaman (grade 1) 1984
Sean Marsh grade 1 seaman 1984 to 1985
Herbert Rintoul chief petty officer 1984
Bernard Reynolds captain (commanding officer) 1984
Tony Gouldbourne Cpo cplo 1984 to 1985
Stuart Jobson 3rd engineer 1985
Malcolm Freeman gp/steward 1985
Colion Greenall gp 1 1985 gp sg1
Geoffrey Forster 2 cook steward 1985 to 1987
Brian Mcglinchey chief steward 1985
Tommy Golling 2nd cook and baker 1985 to 1986
Derek Wallace D... chief officer 1985
Mark Hill 3rd mate 1985 to 1986
Mark Macey cadet 1986 to 1987
Geoff Donnelly chief mate 1986
Geoff Donnelly chief mate 1987
David Heron cook steward 1987
Stephen Spenser gp 2 1987 to 1988 deck boy / gp2
Richard Willmott 4th engineer 1987
Eric Cordiner able seaman 1987
Tony Jones 3rd mate 1987 to 1988
Brian Graham chief engineer 1987
Brian Blythe 3rd mate 1987
Tommy Golling 2nd cook and baker 1987 to 1988
Eamon Mullin chief officer 1987 to 1988 Last trip with Shell then flying instructor and finally pilot with KLM Cityhopper
John Taylor master 1988 to 1989
Keith Roberts radio officer 1988 to 1989
Gary Lamb unknown 1988 to 1989
Andre Ayliffe junior catering rating 1988 to 1989
David Payne deck boy 1989 to 1990
Fred Craig catering offficer 1989
Carl Smith deck cadet 1989 to 1990
Peter Curtis junior catering rating 1989 to 1990
Karl Brew apprentice engineer 1989
Mark W. Dottin able seaman 1989 to 1990
Andrew Allen dual cadet 1990 to 1991
Malcolm Freeman cook steward 1990
Dave Austin 3rd marine officer 1991 to 1992
James Estill deck cadet 1991
Lazarus Las Lazaro able seaman 1992
Christopher Str... cook steward 1992 to 1996
Andrew Allen dual cadet 1992 to 1993
Philip Tweddle chief officer 1992
Chris Renton 2nd mate 1992
John Tallon cook steward 1993 to 1904
Andrew Allen dual cadet 1993 to 1994
Gerry Blaney 2nd engineer 1993
Colin Leighton 4th engineer 1993
Mark Reynish deck cadet 1993
Brian Graham chief engineer 1994 to 1995
S. Othman e/c 1994 to 1995
Joe Assam 4th engineer 1994 Worldwide trips
Gary Unsworth cook steward 1995
Brian Graham chief engineer 1995
Paul Edward Roche 2nd mate 1996
Kevin Hogg 3rd mate 1996 to 1997
Renato A. Brul Jr. gp cleaner 1996 to 1997
Eduardo Santiago Vi boatswain (bosun/petty officer) 1996
Jonathan Wilson marine cadet 1996
Ryan Whitaker deck cadet 1997
Chris S. Dosado 3rd officer 1997 to 1999 Senior cadet to 3rd officer
Darwin Tajil engineer cadet 1997 to 1998
David Burn 3rd engineer 1997
Lindsay Brown marine cadet 1998
Lester J. Pasco deck cadet 1998 to 1999
David Beeston chief engineer 1999 to 2000
Zdenko Slade 1 2nd engineer 1999
Norman F. Ojo senior chief cook 1999 to 2000
Dionell C. Jose deck cadet 1999 to 2000
Roberto Ayangwa Jr 3rd officer 2000


Date Visitor Anecdote
08/28/2011 - 20:10 Billy Ogilby

Served on the Eburna as she sailed to the Falkland Islands during the conflict. I sailed with a great bunch of guys Officers and Crew, an experience I will always remember.

12/21/2010 - 16:51 Mike Big Taff H...

more r/r after yet another tough winter up in the north sea. this fine vessel served a purpose, west indies for a change,based out of curacao.did a couple of 6 month trips out here in early 80s,all over the shop,venezeuala,aruba,jamaica,haiti,dom rep,colombia,trinidad,chile,peru,ecquador and many more,all holding great memories.missed out on the falklands do,when she was req by mod ,already been aboard for 6 months so turned offer to stay aboard down .great ship and good friends made.

04/02/2009 - 09:04 Sean Marsh

Whilst serving aboard the Eburna in 1979-1980 we picked up two lots of Vietnamese refugees. I have pictures, which i think one of the engineers took, of the rescue of the first boat load we picked up in the South China sea. I believe everyone involved in that rescue were given a set of photos. The second boat load of refugees we picked up a couple of months later off the Thai coast. They were very lucky because two Thai fishing boats were steaming towards them at a great rate of knots and not all Thai fishermen were friendly! I believe my memory serves me right but if anyone who was on board at the time has a better recollection of events maybe they could update it.