
Completed 1975 as "GEOMITRA" for STUK. Capacity 77.600 cbm of LNG. 1986 to Brunei Shell Tankers and renamed "BILIS". 2-12-2014 arrived Zoushan China for demolition.

Also known as
IMO number
Call sign
Construction number
41.370 ton
Length overall
Year of construction
Year of renaming/broken up
Service for Shell
1975 to 2014
Flag state
Home port



Name Job Period Details
Ronald James Gr... chief engineer 1974 to 1976
Ronald James Gr... chief engineer 1974 to 1976
Alasdair Maclean 5th engineer 1975
Derek Jackson 2nd engineer 1975 to 1976
Hugh Cromie 2nd mate 1975
Graham Walden 2nd engineer 1975
Tony Rymer junior engineer 1975 during build
Brian Stone 5th engineer 1976 to 1977
Syd Lees 2nd officer 1976
Ken Wood 2nd mate 1976
John Holmes deck cadet 1976
Pete Clementson radio officer 1976 to 1977
David Else chief engineer 1976
Syd Lees 2nd mate 1976
Trevor Floyd 2nd engineer 1976 to 1977 2nd engineer
Joseph Moore 3rd engineer 1977
Steve Kent 3rd engineer 1978
Mark Hughes deck cadet 1978
Nigel Draffin 2 2nd engineer 1978
Joseph Zerafa 3rd mate 1978 to 1979
Mike Ford trainee radio officer 1978 to 1979
Graham Walden 2nd engineer 1978 to 1979
David Else chief engineer 1978 to 1979
Mike Ryan deck cadet 1978
Eric Burt deck cadet 1978 to 1979
Frank Coles deck cadet 1979
Steve Roberts 3rd engineer 1979
Keith Roberts senior radio officer 1979
Stephen Osborne deck cadet 1979
Peter Clark 3rd engineer 1979 to 1983
Roger Chapman radio officer 1979 to 1980
Billy Nimmo 5th engineer 1979
Mark Williams deck cadet 1979
Willie Carle 2nd engineer 1979
Dave Freeman 2nd officer 1979
Chris Wilkinson deck cadet 1979
Bill Watts 5th engineer 1979
David John Standring 2nd officer 1979
D.s. Cook chief engineer 1980
Robert T. Dunbar 2nd officer 1980 to 1981
Mike Gordine 2nd mate 1980
Brian Boyle 2nd engineer 1980
Robin Ritchie chief engineer 1980 to 1981
Bernard Kates radio officer 1981
Gus Mcphail senior radio officer 1981
Declan O'neill radio officer 1981
David Whyte 3rd engineer 1981 to 1982
Brian Boyle 2nd engineer 1981
Robin Ritchie chief engineer 1981 to 1982
Richard Williams 5th engineer 1981
Mike Philpott A... radio officer 1982
John Holmes 3rd mate 1982 to 1983
Chris Grimson 3rd mate 1982
Alasdair Maclean 3rd engineer 1982
Alex Reid chief officer 1983 to 1984
Stuart Jobson 3rd engineer 1983
Jack Beaumont master 1983
Eric Halcrow 3rd engineer 1984
Peter G. Furmston radio officer 1984 to 1985
Brian Boyle 2nd engineer 1984
David Else chief engineer 1984
Gordon Wright 3rd officer 1984
Peter Davidson 2nd mate 1984
Damien O'reilly junior radio officer 1985 to 1986
Robin Ritchie chief engineer 1985 to 1986
Derek Wallace D... chief officer 1985 to 1986
Neil Doyle 3rd mate 1985 to 1986
Brian Boyle 2nd engineer 1986 to 1987
Chris Clayton radio officer 1986 to 1987 First ship as a Radio Officer after being a trainee on Entalina and Gadinia. Great trip as I remember.
Robin Campbell-... 2nd engineer officer 1986
Eric Phillips captain (commanding officer) 1986
Peter Davidson 2nd mate 1986
Ian Falconer 2nd mate 1986
Chris Renton deck cadet 1986


Date Visitor Anecdote
07/03/2010 - 15:42 Ian Gray

Mary Eleanor GRAY , wife of the late Stanley GRAY CBE (MD for Shell BP Nigeria and Director of Royal Dutch SHELL), inaugurated the vessel in La seine-sur-Marne in 1975 before the tanker left for Brunei Darussalam to work for Brunei Shell to transport LNG between Brunei and Japan.
She was my Mom! (Awesome!)

Ian brother of Tony, Neil and Martin