
Completed 1968 as "MARINULA" for STUK. 1974 as "MARINULA" to C.S.M. 1975-1977 laid-up Brunei Bay. 27-12-1982 arrived Kaohsiung for scrap.

IMO number
Call sign
Construction number
L 22
198.636 ton
Length overall
Year of construction
Year of renaming/broken up
Service for Shell
1968 to 1982
Flag state
Home port



Name Job Period Details
James Loughlin radio officer 1968 to 1969
Tony Collier 4th engineer 1968 to 1969 New build in odense
James W. Crosby po mechanic 1968 to 1969
Derek Jackson 3rd engineer 1968 to 1969 standing by/maiden voyage
David S Logie 4th engineer 1969 to 1970
Michael Battrick 3rd mate 1969
John Taylor 3rd officer 1969
Charles Smith 2nd officer 1969 to 1972
John Taylor 3rd officer 1969 to 1970 1st trip
Peter Anthony Cocker 3rd officer 1969
Alan Drury po mechanic 1969
Lyndon Jones junior radio officer 1970 to 1971
Robert Gill gp 1 1970 to 1971
Robin Ritchie 2nd engineer 1970
Michael Stapleton g/p 1970 to 1972
Mike Muir 1 grade 1 seaman 1970
Martynfell cook steward 1970 Steward or second chef
David Shepherd assistant steward 1970 to 1971
Keith Halliday junior radio officer 1970 to 1971
Peter Matthews 2nd engineer 1971
Richard Jolliffe junior radio officer 1971
David Glasson electrical/electronic officer 1971 to 1972
Gus Mcphail senior radio officer 1972 to 1973 s.r.o
Edward Jones Ted general purpose worker 1972
Gerry Mapson catering offficer 1972 to 1973
Wayne Whitlock gp boy 1972 to 1973
David Shepherd assistant steward 1972
Edward Jones Ted general purpose worker 1972
Gus Mcphail sro 1972 to 1973
Lyndon R Davies catering boy/galley boy 1973 to 1974
Jeffrey Davies 3rd engineer 1973
Malcolm Brooks radio officer 1973
John Bennett 4th engineer 1973
Eric Mager grade 1 seaman 1973
Andy Johnson assistant steward 1973 to 1974
Anthony Terry W... catering offficer 1973
G. Buma 1e stuurman 1974
Bob Slagmolen 4th engineer 1974 to 1975
Koos Van Herk apprentice engineer 1974
Brian Boyle 4th engineer 1974
Willem De Gee 4th engineer 1974 to 1975
Jose Antonio Do... scheepsvoorman 1974
P.h. Bax radio officer 1974 to 1975
Willem Hennink 3rd engineer 1974
Peter De Swart radio officer 1975 to 1976 during lay up
Evert Kolet 4th engineer 1975
Frans Franken 1e stuurman 1975 to 1976
Lou Toutenhoofd radio officer 1975
Jan Korteweg 2nd officer 1975 labuan-saba
Marius Treffers 4e en 3e stuurman 1975 to 1978
Paul Kosters 5e werktuigkundige/4e werktuigkundige 1975 to 1981
Adri De Ridder 5th engineer 1976
Robert Collette werktuigkundige 1976
Henk Schoonbergen 5th engineer 1976 to 1977
Rob Linsen 5th engineer 1976
Alphons Fluitsma 3rd engineer 1977 to 1978
Robert J.s.m. T... 2e stuurman (2nd officer/mate) 1977 to 1978
Gerrit Kramer 5th engineer 1977 lay up in brunei bay labuan
Harry R. Muysson 3e scheepswerktuigbouwkundige (swtk) 1977 3e wtk ass proj. manager brunei bay lay-up project
Harry R. Muijsson 3th Engineer 1977
Harry Zwanenburg 4th engineer 1977 Brunei Bay
Rene Portman apprentice deck officer 1978 to 1979
Gerrit Jan Harlaar 5th engineer 1978 to 1979
Bert Krakowczyk werktuigkundige 1978 to 1984
Machiel Tijdeman apprentice engineer 1978
Theo Louwen 3e stuurman 1979 to 1980
Han Van Der Poel 3rd engineer 1979
Rijk Roor leerling sgo 1979
Henk Schaaper 4th engineer 1979
Rene Hendriks 1e stuurman 1979
Cees Schuller radio operator 1979
M.f. Koens 2nd engineer 1979
Albert Jan Baerveldt writer 1979
S. Harders master 1979 to 1980
Albert Jan Baerveldt chief engineer 1979
Lucas Van Der Valk 5th engineer 1979
Peter Ros apprentice sgo 1979
Pieter Stegeman stuurmansleerling 1980
Gerrit Jan Harlaar 4th engineer 1980
Hans Maassen 2nd engineer 1980 to 1981
Karel Kleijn stagair scheepswerktuigbouwkundige (swtk) 1980 to 1981
Aad Huneman 4e scheepswerktuigbouwkundige (swtk), dd 5e 1980
Marike Van Der Woud 4e stuurman 1980 to 1981
Adrianus De Jager radio officer 1980 to 1981
Ad Van Unen 5th engineer 1980 to 1981
Frank De Waard apprentice engineer 1981 to 1982
Willem Meuldijk chief engineer 1981 to 1982
Bob Hagers apprentice engineer 1981
Rinus Parent 2nd engineer 1981
Ed Eelman 1e stuurman 1981
Jan Verweij 5th engineer 1982
Ruud Van Der Klis assistent scheepswerktuigbouwkundige (swtk) 1982
Erik Grootjans stuurmansleerling 1982 to 1983
Hans Van Putten 2nd engineer 1982
Jan Engelbrecht 2e stuurman (2nd officer/mate) 1982
C.f. Van Der Ende hoofd voeding 1982
Hans Van Der Meer 5th engineer 1982
G. Buma 1e stuurman 1982
Roel Bos 5th engineer 1985


Date Visitor Anecdote
05/09/2022 - 16:43 Malcolm Sharp

In 1970 I was part of a team from the University of Glasgow Department of Naval Architecture that performed as set of shallow water sinkage and trim measurements on the Marinula as part of a wider study the effects on ships with high block coefficients.

We boarded the Marinula heading North from a pilot boat out of Santa Cruz de Tenerife and set up our measuring equipment crossing the Bay of Biscay. To make our measurements we deployed a 10m 'bowsprit' from which we made ultrasonic distance measurements ahead of the bulbous bow onto the water surface to measure bow sinkage and a micromanometer to measure ship trim while under way. An accurate ship's log was deployed as we entered Milford Haven where the actual measurements were made. As I recall the Marinula was typical of many tankers trimming up to 2m by the bow in shallow water when running at 15kts or so, certainly something to bear in mind when entering or leaving port when the state of tide meant the under-keel clearance was marginal!

Although it now 50 years or so ago I'd like to thank once again the captain and crew of the Marinula who helped us on board and made the whole trip a very pleasant and productive experience.

02/19/2013 - 10:23 Francisco Rojas

When I was a teenager my sport was sailing, in that time I lived in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Gran canaria - Canary Islands), my birthplace. I used to train, first with my Optimist Class boat and later with my Europe Class International boat (Moth Europe).

I remember very clearly a long time (many months) with the Marinula anchored out of the Las Palmas Port because the tanker had an average with the propellers and they had to wait for a new propeller or so.

It was for us very exciting sailing from the Nautic Club into the port until The Marinula, which seemed to be anchored not very far, but... it was so massive that it really was very very far and we needed a long time to sail around it and return port.

I also remember that The Marinula acted for us as a enormous wall stoppA?ng the wind so when we was leeward of The Marinula the strong wind was suddenly completely calm and it was very easy to capsize!

My greetings for all the people working on board The Marinula in that time!!!

Francisco Rojas

CA?rdoba (EspaA?a)

12/18/2009 - 14:32 Malcolm Brooks