
Completed 1968 as "MEDORA" for STUK. 1979 conversion into Floating Storage Unit for Fulmar fields and renamed "FULMAR FSU". 1996 renamed SPU 4. 1998 renamed Red Fulmar 1. 1999 scrapped China.

Also known as
Fulmar FSU
Red Fulmar I
IMO number
Call sign
Construction number
210.658 ton
Length overall
Year of construction
Year of renaming/broken up
Service for Shell
1968 to 1979
Flag state
Home port



Name Job Period Details
Simon Reilly 3rd engineer 1968 to 1969
Chris Spencer 3rd mate 1968 to 1969
John Holt 5th engineer 1969 to 1970
Christopher Grindle 5th engineer 1969
Ian Fears junior radio officer 1969 to 1970
Brian Bailey 3rd mate 1969 to 1970
Stewart Mccormick extra chief officer 1970
Geoff Akehurst deck apprentice 1971
Tony Hogan 1R/O 1971 to 1972
Simon Reilly 2nd engineer 1971 to 1972
MR ALAN HAYNES extra chief officer 1971 Last ship with Shell
Nigel Draffin 1 4th engineer 1971
D.s. Cook chief engineer 1972
Ian Stretton Walker chief officer 1972
Derek Jackson 2nd engineer 1973
Colin Osman 3rd engineer 1973
Peter Kuchenbecker junior radio officer 1973
James D. Glover 3rd engineer 1973 to 1974
Peter Clark engineer cadet 1974
Simon Hall 3rd officer 1974
David C. Richmond chief engineer 1974
Willie Carle 2nd engineer 1974
Michael F. Keenan 4th engineer 1974 to 1975
Gus Mcphail senior radio officer 1974 to 1975
Gus Mcphail sro 1974 to 1975
Colin Williamson 5th engineer, 3rd engineer 1974 to 1978
Simon Wells engineer cadet 1975 to 1976 2nd trip
Joseph Zerafa deck cadet 1975 to 1976
Bernard Teale 2nd engineer 1975
Brian Graham chief engineer 1975
Ian F. Boon captain (commanding officer) 1975
Graham Scouse Wright 5th engineer 1976
Matthew Jamieson 5th engineer 1976
Graham Wright Fifth Engineer 1976
Joseph Moore 3rd engineer 1976
Bill Parker 3rd mate 1977
Richard Paul Helliar 3rd officer 1978 to 1979
Brian Graham chief engineer 1978 to 1979
John Tarling deck cadet 1978
Clive Macdonald junior radio officer 1978 to 1979
chrisj383 4th engineer 1978 Last ship
Eileen Brown deck cadet 1978
David E. Byrne deck cadet 1979 Off at La Ciotat
Derek Briton assistant steward 1979
David Wilson chef kok 1979
Trevor Britton unknown 1980 to 1982 conversion project into Fulmar FSU in Laciotat shipyard
Alan Susans unknown 1980 to 1981 conversion project into Fulmar FSU in Laciotat shipyard
Steve Metson engineer 1981 communications engineer (marconi) conversion project
Graham P Connolly production technician 1981 to 1982
Jim Hghes safety officer 1983 to 1991 senior production technician then safety officer on fulmar fsu
Carl Hardin radio officer 1985 to 1986 radio officer on fulmar fsu
Robert Forsyth electrician 1985 to 1987 electrician on fsu
John Melville supervisor 1990 to 1995 operations supervisor oim on Fulmar FSU


Date Visitor Anecdote
11/12/2022 - 13:28 Jenny Furness

My wife is trying to get pictures of Malcolm Furness who worked as an engineer in a Shell Tanker s.s "Medora" 207,332 d.w tons. She is not certain about the year, born in Carlisle U.K and studied in South Shields Marine and Technical in New Castle. Her email address is