
Completed 1968 as "NEVERITA" for C.S.M. 1971 as "NEVERITA" to Deutsche Shell Tanker. 1986 to Solena Shipping Lib (Deutsche Shell). 4-5-1994 arrived Chittagong for scrap.

IMO number
Call sign
Construction number
111.470 ton
Length overall
Year of construction
Year of renaming/broken up
Service for Shell
1968 to 1994
Flag state
Home port



Name Job Period Details
Gerard Van Delft boatsmen
Ab Van Velde apprentice engineer 1967 to 1968
Roelant Lawerman apprentice officer 1967 to 1970
Dick Van Dongen 5th engineer 1967 to 1968
Gerard Vingerhoed 5th engineer 1968 During and after construction at NDSM together with Dick van Dongen
J.p. Van Boven 3rd engineer 1968
Wim De Kwant 4th engineer 1968
Wilh. C. Moll 4e stuurman 1968
Andreas Van Der... handlanger 1968
Aad H.c.j. Born radio officer 1968
John Donks matroos/scheepsgezel 1968
Jan Korteweg 4th officer 1968 to 1969
Ton Peeters apprentice engineer 1968 to 1969
Wiel S. Van Der Ham 1e stuurman 1969 to 1970
Koos Martens 2nd cook 1969 to 1970 koksmaat/ aankomend scheepskok
Leon Horsmans steward 1969
Eugene Smits scheepsgezel algemene werkploeg 1969
Gijs Reijbroek 5th engineer 1969
Max Karpes 1 scheepsgezel algemene werkploeg 1969
C. Brasser leerling/assistent werktuigkundige 1969
Joop Van Balleg... matroos/scheepsgezel 1969
Dick Zwierenberg 5th engineer 1969 to 1970
Gerrit Dekker radio operator 1969
Douwe Landstra cook 1969
Hannah Ouwehand matroos/scheepsgezel 1969
Piet Van Der Veur hoofd voeding 1969 to 1970
Tom Scholte 3rd engineer 1969
Alex Severijns fireman/greaser 1969
Hans Tesink 4th engineer 1969
Rene Dijkstra 5th engineer 1969 to 1970
Hans Van Den Bos 4th mate 1969 to 1970
Nico V.d. Zwan leerlingwerktuigkundige 1969
Leon Horsmans hofmeester (hobe) 1969 to 1970
Sytze Bos 3rd officer 1969
Joost Fockema A... 3e stuurman 1970 to 1971
Henk Kievit 2nd engineer 1970 to 1971
Willem Evers scheepsgezel algemene werkploeg 1970
Gert Van Driel hoofd voeding 1970
Joost Fockema A... 4e stuurman 1970 to 1971
Hans Van Putten 3rd engineer 1970
Azwijnenburg lichtmatroos (matroos onder de gage) 1970
Gijs Dieterich 5th engineer 1970
Koos Schuddemat 4th engineer 1970 to 1971
Ing. R.l. Schultz 5th engineer 1970
Gijs Reijbroek writer 1970
Dave Gevers aankomend scheepsgezel 1970 to 1975
Gijs Reijbroek 4th engineer 1970
Arnold Wippich chief engineer 1971 to 1972
Friedrich Mensing radio officer 1971
Christian Pahl radio operator 1971
Bram Belder apprentice engineer 1971
Bernhard Moegle assistant engineer 1972
Ebenezer Cruz steward 1972 to 1973
Rolf Matuszak 2nd mate 1973
Dirk A. Siefer assistant engineer 1974
Pedro Diaz Elorreaga matrosse m.b. 1975 to 1976
Manfred Lauster boatsmen 1975 to 1976
Dieter Bott engineer 1976
Thomas Marks pumpman 1976 to 1977
Bernhard Moegle 2.2 engineer 1977 to 1978
Wolfgang Karl storekeeper 1977 to 1978
Volker Weiss toa 1977
Dieter Bott engineer 1977
Christian Pahl radio operator 1978 to 1979
K. Skopp c/o 1978
Ingo Dau baker 1978 to 1979
Jens Voderberg noa 1978
Andreas Huebener matrose 1978 to 1980 leichtmatrose, matrose mit brief
Helmut Bluhm 3rd engineer 1978
Kurt Kiesel radio officer 1979 to 1980
Bernd Schultze assi 1980
Thomas Schneider jungmann 1980
Christoph Rohr 2nd officer 1980
Ingo Dau baker 1980
Wolfgang Schwuchow storekeeper 1980
Wolfgang Bodenstab jungmann 1980
Fuchs Franz baker 1981
Rudolf Pejsa 2nd engineer 1981 to 1982
Walter Huth jungmann 1981
Michael Weiss jungmann 1982
Michael Heier jungmann, leichtmatrose 1982 to 1983
Werner Cuesters radio officer 1982
Bernd Schultze engineer 1983
Dieter Bott engineer 1983
Torsten Wendland matrose 1983
Olaf Bandt assistant engineer 1985
Kurt Kiesel radio officer 1985 to 1986
Manfred Toensfeldt master 1985
Dieter Bott engineer 1986
Uwe Schroeder electrician 1987 to 1989
Peter Trompeter 2nd engineer 1987 to 1988
Peter Trompeter 2nd engineer 1987 to 1988
Dieter Bott engineer 1988
Jochen Geske 3rd engineer 1989 to 1990
Bernd Edens 3rd engineer 1993


Date Visitor Anecdote
01/30/2022 - 19:33 Grotebazz

On this tanker my father boatsman Gijsbert van Delft (brother of Gerard) made his last journey for Shell around 1969 or 1970.

06/17/2009 - 01:51 C Morgan De Geus

My grandfather S.J. De Geus was captain of this ship when it was first in service.
I was always interested in the large tankers and it is nice to see some pictures. I have many more of his ships and maybe I can post them online.