
Completed 1958 as "SAN GERARDO" for Eagle Tanker. 1959 purchased by STUK. 1964 renamed "VERCONELLA". 15-11-1975 arrived Kaohsiung for scrap.

Also known as
San Gerardo
IMO number
Call sign
Construction number
31.465 ton
Length overall
Year of construction
Year of renaming/broken up
Service for Shell
1959 to 1975
Flag state
Home port



Name Job Period Details
Peter Edward Lowery assistant steward 1960
Antonie Tommy Koning able seaman 1961 to 1962 Singapore dock time J.F.K.was asassinated
Peter Walker 5th engineer 1962
Brian Charles P... 2nd steward 1963 to 1964
Brian Matin able seaman 1964 to 1965
James Middleton fireman 1964 to 1965
Trevor Irons deck apprentice 1964 to 1965
Christopher Ant... apprentice engineer 1965
Roy Stephens steward 1965
Christopher Ant... apprentice engineer 1965
Michael Hutton 5th engineer 1966 to 1967 1st trip
Thomas Nugent engineer 1966 to 1967
John Langridge 5th engineer 1966 to 1967
David I Lazenby able seaman 1967
A. Peter Colema... extra 3rd engineer 1967
Robert Thompson deck boy 1967 to 1968
Brian Langsdale Petty Officer (ERS) 1967 Signed on a Engine Room Rating (Fireman) promoted PO in March
Iain Moffatt chief engineer 1967 to 1968
Phil Stubbs 5th engineer 1967 to 1968
Tony Hogan R/O 1967
John Frearson fireman 1967 to 1968
Charles Stobbart chef kok 1967 to 1968
Mick Heffron assistant steward 1967 to 1968
Jonathan Peter ... trainee radio officer 1967
Phil Richardson 5th engineer 1968
Alan Knight deck apprentice 1968 to 1969
Brian Lindo 4th engineer 1968 to 1969
Desmond Doyle master 1968 to 1969
Gordon Kent 2nd mate 1968 to 1969
Brian Bailey 3rd mate 1968
Jeffrey Davies 3rd engineer 1969 to 1970
Ian F. Boon captain (commanding officer) 1969
John Holt 5th engineer 1970
D.s. Cook chief engineer 1970
Herbie A. Battye 3rd officer 1970
Andy Crooke 4th engineer, 3rd engineer 1970 to 1971 4th eng. promoted extra 3rd
David N Brown 5th engineer 1971 to 1972
Roger Roue 3rd engineer 1971
Simon Reilly 2nd engineer 1971
Josie. Croft supernumerary 1971
Bernard Reynolds chief officer 1971
Colin Osman 3rd engineer 1971
Herbie A. Battye 2nd officer 1972 to 1973
Alan Campion 5th engineer 1972
Desmond Doyle master 1972
Ken Dickson engineer cadet 1972
Bobmead 4th engineer 1972 to 1973
Michael Ashcroft deck cadet 1972 Joined the ship whilst in dry dock in Hamburg. Last trip. Still don't know why I left the MN then, but I guess when you're young you make impulsive decisions, thats life!
Michael J. Mcghee deck cadet 1973 to 1974
Stuart Gallaway 3rd mate 1973
Robin Macleod deck cadet 1973
Thomas P. Hughes chief officer 1973
Bill Glew engineer cadet 1973
Verner Haidak radio officer 1974 to 1975
Terry Crook 3rd engineer 1974 to 1971
Glyn Winskill 5th engineer 1974
Glyn Winskill junior engineer 1974 First trip at sea
Tony Birtwistle deck cadet 1974
Tony Ripper deck cadet 1974 to 1975
Peter Anthony Cocker 2nd officer 1974
John W. Arnott deck cadet 1975
John Aitken 5th engineer 1975
Steven Clarke navigation cadet 1975
Ray Hall 2nd engineer 1975


Date Visitor Anecdote
04/29/2015 - 14:40 John Frearson

My First ship Left GPO Telephones for a sea adventure trained as Fireman F/G fist Flew
to Rotterdam Holland joined Verconella sailed to Gabon Africa .
Across Atlantic to The south American Amazon entrance on to Porto Miranda then Maracaibo and then to dry dock in Bremerhaven Germany.
Rejoined the Verconella for a forgoing trip around the world to many countries .
Was crossing the Pacific on to Ofenato Japan when the Engine room bulkheads burst into flame. I was passed 11 Fire extinguishers used to put the fire out.
The wrong paint had been used on the bulkheads and the ambient temp ignited the Fire.
We also Later had a steam turbine motor bearing burst into flame we put it out with
Extinguishers until the bearing was repaired.
Left the ship at Falmouth England 10th July 1968 and rejoined the GPO Telephones later BT retired in June 1994 joined Telecom for 2 years before taking full bt retirement.
Enjoyed the expereance. John A Frearson

04/25/2015 - 17:13 John Frearson

Tom Mac served as Able seaman on Verconella During 1967 to 1968 then paid off at Falmouth. Tom Mac told me he once jumped ship after a long voyage at a South Pacific island run by Queen who was in the first hut he moved into.
After getting Frendley the Queen made Tom King Tom he stayed 2 years before leaving. Tom Had a small aluminium case he took on the island and kept the case afterwards in the Merchant navy.
We Travelled around the world and many people said we hear you have King tom on your ship. so he was well known .
I am sure people who sailed with tom knew what a Greeat character he was.
And i am proud to have met him.
Tom had his 65th Birthday on the Verconella so will have passed on now.
Thought this was worth Mentioning About Tom Mac.
Regards John Frearson

06/18/2014 - 15:29 Jonathan Barker

My very first ship at sea, working for Marconi International Marine Company (MIMCO), as a junior Radio Officer for just over 6 months. Fond memories! Joined her in Bremerhaven in 1967 - to Gulf via Dakar and Gabon. Then round trip to Geelong near Melbourne and back to the Gulf. Paid off in Mina Al Ahmadi (Kuwait).

01/13/2014 - 12:34 Josie. Croft

My honeymoon ship. First time on a shell tanker with my husband Mike Croft, Radio Officer, Joined in Montreal with Trigger McGee, that was quite an experience. What a great 6 months. Paid off in November in LA.

11/16/2012 - 04:06 Glyn Winskill

The Verconella was my very first ship in the British Merchant Navy at the age of 22. We sailed between Petit-Couronne and Lake Maracaibo Venezuela. I truely enjoyed the expierience having come from an apprenticeship within shore based engineering, and stayed at sea for a further 9 years.

12/19/2010 - 15:46 Robert Thompson

Could you imagine my apprehension, fresh out of Sea School? and having been told you're painting those masts!! Hope I got the Bosun's chair hitch right! I am still here!!!