Arthur R. Geake


Period Tanker Job Details Action
1949 to 1950 SAN VELINO cadet
1950 to 1951 SAN LEOPOLDO (2) cadet
1951 to 1953 SAN SALVADOR (2) cadet
1958 to 1960 HUMILARIA 2nd officer
1958 to 1960 SAN EDMUNDO 2nd officer
1960 to 1961 SAN FELIPE 2nd officer
1961 to 1962 HIMA 2nd officer
1963 to 1964 VERENA 1st officer
1964 METHANE PROGRESS 1st officer
1965 HAMINELLA chief officer
1965 CAPILUNA 1st officer
1966 to 1967 HALIA (1) chief officer
1967 to 1968 HELCION (2) chief officer
1968 TANEA (1) chief officer
1971 to 1975 SOLEN (2) chief officer
1975 to 1977 CELLANA master