12/25/2015 - 23:19 |
Wishing you all a Merry Festive Season and the very best of health and prosperity for 2016. Why not make a New Year resolution and check out the Shell Tankers (UK) Ltd F/B site, nothing to lose but a lot to gain, you will have a great welcome |
12/01/2015 - 19:45 |
Are you looking for your old Shipmates, do you want to re-live your memories of your life at sea, then why not join the Shell Tankers (UK) Ltd Facebook site. You are invited to give it a go and are assured a warm welcome, you might just find some old forgotten pals. Nothing to lose and a lot to gain. Regards Brian |
10/13/2015 - 21:26 |
You have seen the ships on this excellent site Helderline, why not catch up with some of your old Shipmates on Facebook. Our site is Shell Tankers (UK) Ltd. More great pics, lots of great stories and banter. You are assured of a big welcome. We are waiting. Brian |
12/25/2013 - 13:00 |
To all at Helderline and my ship mates I wish you all a merry xmas best regards Brian |
12/26/2008 - 21:31 |
Hi Terry, interested to read you entry on the way technology has changed shipping. My first trip as fifth engineeer was on the Velletia in 1966, by 1971 I was 3rd engineer on the Mactra, and the difference in that short time was quite remarkable, and that was then. Air conditioned control room with most of the controls on a central console consisting of push buttons and dials, even the sootblowers were automatic. Could get boring though, would not have missed the experiences of the old rust buckets for nothing. Modern day ships crews don't know what they are missing. ha ha. The only time I get to sea these days is on the Isle of Wight ferry or the ferry out of Santa Eularia. Then the memories come flooding back. Best regards for the New year. |
12/25/2008 - 20:42 |
Memories of 40 years ago. I crossed the equator for the first time on Xmas day in 1968 on board the Verconella whilst serving as 4th Engineer. Due ceremony was carried with the following persons assisting with my passage into the Kingdom of King Neptune at the meridian of 9 degrees west. Judge R.A Jenkins (2nd eng. I think), Doctor Gordon Kent (2nd Mate), C.J. Savage as Davy Jones, 1st Mate Liddell, and Chief Engineer B.A. Cass as Neptune himself. It was a great ship that brings back great memories of my sea going days. would like to hear from anyone that was on her at the time and remembers Xmas day in particular. Best regards to all. Brian. |
12/23/2008 - 22:30 |
Anybody out there that was on the Hemisinus from May 1970 to April 1971. I was Third Engineer and worked mainly days with a 5th Engineer called Dougie ???. I remember a guy named Ginger Gair and a cook called Alex ?. I have some photos but I cannot put names to faces. Would be pleased to hear from anyone who remembers me or was on the ship at this time. |
12/21/2008 - 21:56 |
Prompted by the last message, I would like to pass on my best wishes for a merry Xmas and happy New Year to all my old mates that I sailed with in the late sixties and early seventies. The best years of my life by far, such great memories. Anyone who remembers me please get in touch, would love to here from you. Velletia 1966, Methane Progress 1967, Partula 1967/68, Achatina 1968/69, Vermetus1969/70, Hemisinus 1970, Mactra 1971/72, Megara 1972, Venassa 1973, Haustellum 1973, Vertagus 1973. Best regards to Kees and thanks for such a great site. |
04/09/2008 - 16:29 |
Message for Mike Glaiser, Hi Mike, I joined Shell in 1966 and served on many ships ,but like you spent time in Vietnam, did 48 trips on the Hemisinus, sandbags ete.etc. The best ship I was on during my time with Shell, great crew, great times. Then what, yes youve guessed it, got married and then was steered ashore, like youself a BIG MISTAKE, what makes us guys do it. It did last for 15 years, but looking back in retrospect I would rather have stayed at sea. However I have been happily remarried now for 20 years. Good to read yor entry, Best regards Brian. |
04/01/2008 - 21:34 |
In response to the entry by Douglas Boyd, it is with interest that I read about the Ardrossan website. I visited Ardrossan 7th June 1968 on the Shell Tanker Achatina. I visited your web site and found that the entry has been made, so I cannot add any further details. However I do have a postcard of the harbour with a Shell Tanker alongside, this was posted home by myself with the 8th June postmark. I can e.mail you a copy if you so wish. |
05/18/2007 - 23:05 |
Message for Allen Hill who wrote on 22/02/2007. Hi Allen, I have recently discovered this great and it has opened up the old memories. On sifting through all the info I came across your name. Do remember joining the Vermetus in Port Alfred in Canada, well we Joined together. On the coach to the airport we had some good hearted banter about our cars, you had a sprite or a midget and I had a spitfire. Our C/E was Norman Ward, only person I can recall at present. Does the Blackpool - Swede Duo ring any bells with you or was that another trip. Anyway Allen it would be nice to hear from you. best regards Brian. |
05/10/2007 - 21:01 |
hi there John, In response to your request for a picture of the Vermetus, I have a postcard of that vessel. I sailed on her from 5/7/69 till 26/1/70, as 4th Engineer. Will try to get a pic to you. Best regards Brian. |