David Read

Guestbook messages

Date Message
02/02/2009 - 16:09 Hi Colin, try dread6@cogeco.ca David
01/26/2009 - 17:27 Hi Colin, Have not received Email from you my email link is on this page but here it is again. dread6@cogeco.com Hope to hear from you soon. Have a great 2009. David
12/30/2008 - 17:27 A lot of us old timers on this web site, all those wonderful memories, seems like yesterday. Does anyone know of PETER TRAFFORD originally from Hull City Yorkshire. Hull Trinity House 1954-55 Deck apprentice with Shell 55-59 back to Trinity house for 2nd Mates and then 3rd mate with shell in 1960. All the same as me! Where are you Peter?
12/15/2008 - 15:16 Hi Colin, that would be great, I will pick it up in Cambridge, please send details to my email address, name, address and phone # etc.. Please put a note inside the book as to where to return it. Look forward to reading. Best regards, David
12/05/2008 - 15:53 Hi Colin, I have not read the publication 'Sea Shell' do you know where I could get a copy? I sailed with one of the apprentices that was on board, an English lad with an East Indian sounding name. I see that you were on the San Gasper in 1961 as 4th Mate! I was on her twice 3rd Mate from Aug 1961 to Jan 1962 with Capt. Neeves. The second time as 2nd Mate from Sept 64 to Apr 65 although it was in Rotterdam in the November of 64 that we changed her name to Vertagus. Happy Times. warm regards, David (I am now retired and live near Niagara Falls Canada)
12/04/2008 - 15:35 Hi Arthur, The middle East and all those Indonesian ports, I agree - wonderful times. I was on the Borus out there for 1 year as 2nd Mate. I see you was on the San Fernando was it her sister ship the San Flaviano that was bombed and sunk at Balikpapan? The ships bell was in 'the club' ashore in the bar.
12/02/2008 - 17:23 To Roger Poulton, I sailed on the Helcion as 3rd year apprentice from Dec 1957 to July 1958, our paths may have crossed?


Tanker Anecdote Post date Action

I was 2nd Mate on the Borus, the Eastern Fleet in 1962/63.

02/03/2009 - 16:16

I did two trips on the San Gasper. First in 1961/62 as Third Mate then again in 64/65 as Second Mate.

02/22/2011 - 14:41

Who are you Jinxy 1927? I was on the Verena, finished my apprenticeship on her, when we went up to the Stanvac Japan after the terrible explosion on board her.

03/16/2011 - 15:05

Zaphon was my first ship after obtaining Second Mates ticket. It was January 1960 and I joined as Extra Third Mate.

03/17/2011 - 15:27