Eric John Rowlands


Period Tanker Job Details Action
1976 to 1977 LYRIA (2) deck boy maiden voyage
1977 PALLIUM junior ordinary seaman
1978 AULICA junior ordinary seaman
2000 NORTHIA (2) gp 1


Tanker Anecdote Post date Action

I joined the Lyria as a first trip deck boy(GP Boy)in Elsnore Denmark in November 1976.The Lyria was a new build, and I sailed on her maiden voyage from Denmark bound for t

02/02/2009 - 23:24

I joined the Lyria as a first trip deck boy(GP Boy)in Elsnore Denmark in November 1976.The Lyria was a new build, and I sailed on her maiden voyage from Denmark bound for t

02/02/2009 - 23:24