Frederik Kluvers

Guestbook messages

Date Message
12/04/2007 - 05:40 had some great times on several dutch Shell tankers . my first one being the Katalysia as Koks jongen, lots of memories I had the pleasure of working on The Katelysia, the Kelletia,the Abida and as last one the kara which I boarded in Singapore, since that was where she was in Dry-dock after being hit in vietnam, anybody remember that time, please let me know. This is a great web side, many good memories are comming back to me by looking at those great ships, every time when I visit Holland, I find myself in Hook of Holland, at the end of the Waterweg looking out over the ocean thinking what a great view it was returning from one of those trips. thanks kees!! Hats off


Period Tanker Job Details Action
1963 KATELYSIA (2) koksjongen
1964 KELLETIA (2) koksjongen
1965 to 1966 ABIDA cook/baker
1969 KARA 2nd cook and baker