Jaap Jager

Guestbook messages

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01/14/2009 - 07:02 Hereby I want to inform former Dutch STBV-sailors,a new maritime book is on the market,from Willem H. Moojen. With all kind of story's about sailing on Dutch seagoing vessels. Again,three story's written by former STBV-steward Jaap Jager,about 'Fulgur' in 1982 and 'Lepton' in '83-'84... Even a story by ex-STBV-mate Piet van der Klei,about sailing on 'Koratia' and 'Corilla' in the fifties... Titled: 'Recht zo die gaat' ('Straight ahead'). Isbn: 978-90-8616-017-4 and issued by Lanasta,Emmen. Price: E32,- Buy it,and you will remember the old salty times we had onboard...! with kindly regards, Jaap Jager
02/20/2007 - 17:24 To former Dutch sailors from the '80s. Jaap Jager (ex-ste- ward) is living and still going strong! Do you want to remem- ber F-boat athmospheres, search for and buy the book: Mid- scheeps, de zeeman verteld, by Willem Moojen. All kind of story's written by sailors/old-sailors, in period 1945-2004. From which three chapters I've written about working/living on oiltankers from Shell Tankers B.V. (F-class) in the '80s. Read it and you will remember it!!! For security, I'am that steward who was always producing fishingnets and eelfishing- traps during free time, in cabin filled of them, from all sizes.



Tanker Anecdote Post date Action

To whom who may concern,

01/05/2010 - 13:12

South Chinese Sea: am I a seagoing gardener..?

02/06/2009 - 19:15