Jan Korteweg


Period Tanker Job Details Action
1967 to 1968 PHILINE apprentice officer
1968 to 1969 NEVERITA (2) 4th officer
1968 KHASIELLA apprentice officer
1969 ACTEON 3rd officer
1969 to 1970 KRYPTOS 3rd officer
1970 KORENIA 3rd officer
1970 to 1971 NISO (2) 3rd officer 3rd officer/liaison officer nigeria
1971 CINULIA 3rd officer
1972 to 1973 ACILA (1) 3rd officer
1972 ARCA (2) 3rd officer
1973 to 1974 METULA (2) 3rd officer
1973 CAPILUNA 3rd officer
1974 to 1975 DOSINA (3) 2nd officer
1974 KHASIELLA 2nd officer
1975 to 1976 KRYPTOS 2nd officer
1975 MARINULA (2) 2nd officer labuan-saba
1975 CINULIA 2nd officer
1977 to 1978 MYTILUS (2) 2nd officer
1978 CAPISTERIA 2nd officer
1979 to 1980 ABIDA chief officer
1979 ACMAEA 2nd officer