Roy Robertson

Guestbook messages

Date Message
12/24/2013 - 14:35 A very Happy Christmas to everyone, especially all my former shipmates
01/17/2009 - 12:11 Been trying to add a couple of anecdotes to various ships but when I follow the link, I only get 2 boxes, one for my name and one for my e-mail address. No box to enter the anecdote; does anyone else have this problem?
12/24/2008 - 10:37 I would like to wish all my friends, former shipmates and Board of Trade aquaintances a very Happy Christmas....especially those who are having to spend it at sea away from their loved ones. All the Best
04/08/2006 - 19:49 Chris Grimson I have sent you an e-mail in response to your earlier question,why no reply?



Tanker Anecdote Post date Action

In my 7 months on the Velutina we went aground in the St Lawrence River, had a collision with the lock wall in the Panama Canal, mid Atlantic a hole appeared in the ships s

04/09/2009 - 12:11